Good Night
Radio play installation for one person at a time, each 15 minutes, available in German or English. Admission will take place every 20 minutes. Guests need to register. Unfortunately not fully accessible for people with disabilities. No admission for children under 10.
PRAGMATA opens a door into the enigmatic parallel world of insomnia.
Sleep is supposedly a natural state. But for many, the night-time is
anything but restful. During sleepless hours, self-doubt, social
expectations and madness become entangled. Those affected experience it
alone and yet they are connected to a large community of sleepless
people. With a complex interweaving of objects and media, the levels of
meaning of nocturnal (un)rest can be experienced here.

founded in 2015 by visual artist Alpha Kartsaki and sound
artist Sebastian Schlemminger. Their work combines object theatre with
electronic animation and music. In addition to theatrical projects and
numerous installations, they have also created object manipulations and a
short film. PRAGMATA is taking part in the Unidram festival for the
second time, this year with their radio play installation Gute Nacht
(Good Night) for those who can’t fall asleep.
A coproduction with Schaubude Berlin, T-Werk
Supported by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa des Landes
Berlin, Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der
Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
Concept, developement, sound PRAGMATA (Alpha Kartsaki, Sebastian Schlemminger) Voices Manuela Neudegger, Norman Grotegut Moving image Theofilos Ieropoulos Dramaturgical advice Franziska Burnay Periera Outside eye Verena Lobert Set construction Dan Liebenthal Translation Charlie Zaharoff Documentation Richard Rocholl Production manager Zwei Eulen Photos Volker Metzler
Kindly supported by SBG Veranstaltungsservice GmbH
Sponsored by the NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ, Guest Performance Fund for Theatre,
which is funded by Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the
Media, the Ministries of Culture and the Arts of the German Länder