The Bacchae 2

Und er libet

Helsinki, Finland
Play loosely based on Euripides’ drama

Und er libet was founded in 2006 by dancers, musicians and theatre makers. Their interest in the human body and its extreme forms of expressions brought them together. In their performances the company also examines how function and character of images are changed by their temporal expansion. The trilogy Bakkantit 1-3, produced from 2007-2009, loosely based on the Bacchae by Euripides is exemplary for their work.

The Bacchae by Euripides is a drama about manipulation, blindness and delusion, identity, revenge and destiny. It deals with ecstasy and trance, order and orgy, destruction and the celebration of death. In short – the perpetual motion of impulses. But it is also concerned with the question of how alternative forms of human existence can be experienced. In The Bacchea 2, the furniture is sparse, there are small provisional stages, a table, a set of drums. This sets the background for three tableau-like scenes with four performers. Movement and immobility, guarded travesties and forced tap-dance intermezzi create images of joy, pleasure, violence, exhaustion, forlornness and standstill, expressing a deep discomfort with any kind of excess.

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Director: Anna-Mari Karvonen
Cast: Ville Ahonen, Anna Mustonen, Saara Töyrylä, Laura Vesterinen
Dramaturgy: Anna-Mari Karvonen, Masi Tiitta
Sound: Heidi Lind
Visual Design: Hanna Käyhkö
Costumes: Laura Käyhkö

When: Nov. 04th 2011, 09:15 p. m.
Where: fabrik, Schiffbauergasse 10
Entrance fee: Price category B
Duration: 45 min
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Generously supported by fabrik Potsdam.


gruppo nanou – Ravenna, Italy
Uta Gebert – Berlin, Germany
Matthias Bernhold – Aachen, Germany
Agrupación Señor Serrano – Barcelona/Spain
Farm in the Cave – Prague, Czech Republic
Exotic Dreams
OONA project – Zurich, Switzerland
Les Antliaclastes – France
Anna Konjetzky – Germany
Maren Strack – Berlin, Germany
Symphony for thrown away things and tempered piano
Max Vandervorst & Marc Hérouet – Brussels, Belgium
The Bacchae 2
Und er libet – Helsinki, Finland
The Old One and the Beast
Ilka Schönbein - Theater Meschugge – Berlin, Germany/Paris, France
Matthias Bernhold – Aachen, Germany
UKW Band – Hamburg, Germany
Mariahilff – Berlin/Germany
Trio Igra – Aachen, Germany
Opening Concert
Montagsorchester – Potsdam, Germany



T-Werk, Internationales Theater- und Theaterpädagogikzentrum
Schiffbauergasse 4 E, 14467 Potsdam, Germany


Phone: +49 331 73042626
Fax: +49 331 73042633